In the face of increasingly challenging business and competitive environment, The Company commits to carry out Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the daily business activities with the aim of improving performance and corporate values. The Company believes that through continuous implementation of GCG, the Company can survive in the midst of difficult situations and challenges. In its implementation, the Company is oriented to the laws, regulations, practices and GCG recommendations that are believed will increase the value of Shareholders and Business Partners in long term. The commitment of the management to continuously improve and enhance GCG is expected to be able to push financial performance to the fullest. The growing performance will ultimately bring the Company to sustainable growth and always be able to increase contributions for all stakeholders. There are 5 (five) GCG principles implemented by the Company: 1. Transparency Transparency in the decision making process as well as in disclosing material information and relevant about the Company. 2. Accountability Clarity of functions, implementation and accountability of company organizations so that the management is performed effectively. 3. Responsibility Conformity in the Company management to the laws and regulations and principles of sound Corporation. 4. Independence the Company is managed professionally without conflict of interest and influence/pressure from any party. 5. Fairness Fairness and equality in meeting the rights of Stakeholders arising pursuant to agreements and regulations.